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<Immigration Procedures>


Q. Can I renew my Period of Stay?


If you wish to continue staying in Japan under the same status of residence, it is possible to renew your period of stay. 

You can begin the process of applying for a renewal of your period of stay three months before your current period of stay ends. 

Please refer to the Ministry of Justice’s “Guidelines for Permission for Change of Status of Residence and Extension of Period of Stay” for more information.


Q. We are a foreign couple (husband and wife) residing in Japan. We have just had a child. What do we need to do?


<Registration of Birth> at the Municipal office

Submit a Registration of Birth form within 14 days to your municipal office. 

When a Registration of Birth form is submitted, a certificate of residence as a “person who may continue to stay transitionally in Japan by birth” will be created for the child.

(If there is no application for status of residence submitted within 30 days, the certificate of residence will become null.)


<Apply for a passport>   at your country’s Embassy/Consulate in Japan

Submit a “Registration of Birth” and “Passport Application” form to the Embassy/Consulate in Japan that corresponds to the child’s nationality.

Application for a passport may be carried out after applying for Residence Status.


<Obtain Status of Residence> at the Regional Immigration Bureau for your area

If both the father and mother are foreign nationals, their children will also be considered foreign nationals, and thus, it is necessary to submit an application for residence status. 

Please submit your application within 30 days of the child’s birth to the Regional Immigration Bureau for your area. 

If you are leaving Japan within 60 days of the child’s birth and do not intend to return, it is not necessary to apply for a Status of Residence.


*Documents necessary to obtain status of residence

・Application for Permission to Acquire Status of Residence

・Proof of Birth (birth certificate, maternity record book, etc.)

・Copy of Residence Certificate that lists all household members, including the child

・Original copy of child’s passport (can be submitted later)

・Copies of the parents’ residence cards and passports

・Proof of occupation and income of the person(s) supporting the dependent (Parent’s certificate of employment, tax declaration/tax payment certificate for resident tax)



Q. In what cases is “Permission to Engage in Activity Other than that Permitted by the Status of Residence Previously Granted” necessary?


The activities that foreign residents can undertake is determined by their Status of Residence.

If you will take part in activities in which you receive an income or are involved in a business which is not covered under your current visa status, you must apply for this permission.


Q. I have a long period of stay in Japan. I want to visit my home country. What do I need to do?

If a medium- or long-term resident wishes to leave Japan temporarily, and enter Japan again with the same status of residence, the following two methods are available based on the duration of departure from Japan.


<If the period of your departure from Japan is less than one year>

If a foreign national with a valid passport and residence card (special permanent resident certificate for special permanent residents) leaves Japan for a period of less than one year and wishes to re-enter Japan with the same status of residence as before, you must complete a form at the airport. People who leave Japan cannot extend or renew their visas from overseas and must re-enter Japan within one year(*) after leaving, or they will lose their status of residence.

(*If there is less than one year remaining for period of stay after leaving Japan, you must return before this period of stay ends. Special Permanent Residents may leave the country for up to two years. )


※<If the period of your departure from Japan exceeds one year (two years for Special Permanent Residents)>

You can obtain a “re-entry permit” before you leave Japan from your nearest Immigration Services Agency office.

A re-entry permit may be valid for a maximum of 5 years (6 years for Special Permanent Residents).

Please look at the Ministry of Justice’s website for more details.


Ministry of Justice – Re-entry permit application別ウィンドウで開きます(外部リンク)

Immigration Bureau – Re-entry permit別ウィンドウで開きます(外部リンク)

Immigration Bureau – Re-entry requirements別ウィンドウで開きます(外部リンク)



Q. I left the company I’ve been working at for 3 years with Engineering/Humanities qualifications and would like to start a new job. What kinds of procedures are necessary?


If a person who resides in Japan with their qualification for employment as “Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services” changes jobs, it is necessary to notify the Immigration Services Agency within 14 days of changing jobs. Similarly, it is also necessary to notify other affiliated institutions within 14 days. You can submit an application for “Certificate of Qualification for Employment” to confirm that your new job matches your existing status of residence. This also helps renewal procedures for future job changes go smoothly. 

If you have this certificate, and your new employer wants to employ a foreign national, it is possible to check beforehand whether your status of residence matches the details of your work after your job change. 

This certificate is issued at the request of the applicant, and is not mandatory.


Q. I want to obtain a “Permission for Permanent Residence”. What do I need to do?


Please see the Ministry of Justice’s “Guidelines for Permission for Permanent Residence” for full details.



(1) The person has a history of good behavior.

(2) The person is capable of and has sufficient assets to live independently.

(3)The person’s permanent residence is regarded to be in accordance with the interests of Japan.

The Ministry of Justice publishes guidelines related to obtaining permission for permanent residence, along with examples of permission for/non-permission of permanent residence.


Ministry of Justice:

“Guidelines for Permission for Permanent Residence”別ウィンドウで開きます(外部リンク)

“Guidelines for Contribution to Japan”別ウィンドウで開きます(外部リンク)

“Examples of Cases where Contributions Were Recognized and Permission for Permanent Residence Was Granted, and Cases where Permission Was Not Granted”別ウィンドウで開きます(外部リンク)


Kumamoto Support Center For Foreign Residents

熊本市中央区水前寺6丁目18番1号 県庁本館8階


Copyright c kumamoto-ken kokusaikyokai All Rights Reserved.

Kumamoto Support Center For Foreign Residents 熊本県外国人サポートセンター
熊本市中央区水前寺6丁目18番1号 県庁本館8階