背景色 青黒白
文字サイズ 拡大標準

<Medical Care / Welfare>


Medical Care

Q. Are there hospitals that can provide assistance in foreign languages?


Use the websites below to search for medical institutions that support multiple languages.

Kumamoto Medical Navi別ウィンドウで開きます(外部リンク)

Kumamoto City Medical Association別ウィンドウで開きます(外部リンク)


Public Health Insurance

Q. My National Health Insurance premium is expensive, and I cannot pay it. What should I do?


If you become unable to pay the insurance premium, please consult with your municipality’s National Health Insurance consultation window at the city hall. 

If there is an extraordinary reason, it is possible to seek reduction of and exemption from the insurance premium, or postpone payment of the insurance premium.



Q. I am staying for a long period of time in Japan. If I become ill while visiting my home country, will my National Health Insurance cover medical fees?


It is possible to use the Japanese National Health Insurance to cover medical fees from seeing a doctor overseas. 

However, in the following cases you will not be covered.

(1)Treatment that is not normally covered by your insurance in Japan

(2)If you go overseas specifically to receive treatment


Pension System

Q. I was enrolled in Employees’ Pension Insurance for 6 years, but now I have to return to my home country. Can I get a refund of the money in my pension account?


If a person who does not have Japanese citizenship has been enrolled in Employees’ Pension Insurance for 6 or more months and leaves Japan, it is possible to apply for and receive a lump-sum withdrawal payment in line with how long he/she has been enrolled in the system.



(1) The person does not have Japanese citizenship

(2) The person was enrolled in Employees’ Pension Insurance for 6 months or more

(3) The person has an address in Japan

(4) The person has never been entitled to receive pension (including disability pension) 


Send the following documents to the Japan Pension Service within 2 years after leaving Japan.

(1) Application for the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments

(2) Copy of Passport

(3) Pension Handbook

(4) Proof of bank account

<Amount to be Received>

For information on how the amount you receive is calculated, please refer to the latest information from the Japan Pension Service.


Kumamoto Support Center For Foreign Residents

熊本市中央区水前寺6丁目18番1号 県庁本館8階


Copyright c kumamoto-ken kokusaikyokai All Rights Reserved.

Kumamoto Support Center For Foreign Residents 熊本県外国人サポートセンター
熊本市中央区水前寺6丁目18番1号 県庁本館8階